Another Word For Fired. Well when I hear the word "Fired" used in reference to a boiler, it is used to describe the type of fuel used to heat the boiler (to fire it) such as a "Coal fired" or "Gas fired". But another study described an increase in radiation that reached the user of a hands-free set.
The popularity of text messages led to the development of a special system of words or 'chat speak'. Match the words with their definitions: The machine that lets you put documents and such on paper. Be ready to meet a foreign friend!
The Almeda Fire destroyed the southern Oregon towns of Talent and Phoenix.
Planet Word, a new museum devoted to language, is a high-tech, feel-good experience.
Please find below many ways to say fire in different languages. For example, acronyms, that are words made from the first letters of other words, are often used. The following words can be used in place of "So" depending on different situations: * Cons. hire and fire) etc.